Brockett Horne is
a writer, designer, and educator. She is a faculty member at Northeastern University in Boston, where she teaches information design and data visualization. At
Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, she chaired the Graphic Design department for over a decade and taught studio,
history, and theory courses. With Briar Levit, Louise Sandhaus, and Morgan Searcy, she collaborates on The People’s
Graphic Design Archive, a crowd-sourced online platform that enables new and
expanded stories about graphic design history.
Her goal is to encourage audiences to examine *how* they are looking through reflexive approaches that engage clients and users in the creative process.
Her goal is to encourage audiences to examine *how* they are looking through reflexive approaches that engage clients and users in the creative process.
Her creative practice includes designing catalogs, websites, digital
media expressions, brand systems, and other tools that help organizations express
their unique strengths.
contact: brocketthorne@gmail.com
contact: brocketthorne@gmail.com