Student Work

Loli Vacarro
GD301 Junior Studio (professional practice), MICA
website design that repositions Soho House for budget travelers, rather than as luxury accommodations.
See more of Loli’s work:
Loli Vacarro
GD301 Junior Studio (professional practice), MICA
website design that repositions Soho House for budget travelers, rather than as luxury accommodations.
See more of Loli’s work:

Odalis Llerena
GD325 Typography Intensive, MICA
Redesign of an historic menu from New York Public Library’s “What’s On The Menu?” collection.
See more of Odalis’ work:

Emma Roshan
GD301 Junior Studio (professional practice), MICA
visual identity for a pop-up event concept in which participants learn foreign languages.
See more of Emma’s work:

Katie Mills
GD325 Typography Intensive, MICA
intervention on site of former confederate monument, exploring multiple meanings of the phrase “divine intervention” which remains carved into the plinth, despite the removal of the statue. This project included a stone carving workshop, site-specific art lecture, and two weeks of visual experiments.
See more of Katie’s work:

Hannah Harder
AH341 Graphic Design History, MICA
Visual research on subversive aspects of the Arts and Crafts Movement resulted in embroidery, a research paper and presentation. Inspired by a presentation on cultural appropriate and Caroline Arscott’s essay “Morris: Four Walls / Heart and Flesh,” in William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones: Interlacings (Yale University Press, 2008): 88–103.
See more of Hannah’s work:

Freyja Qi and Tianyi Ba
GD325 Typography Intensive, MICA
During a recent election cycle, we identified that civic engagement (writing representatives, canvassing, voting) is restricted to those with privilege. Instead of a Get Out the Vote campaign assignment, students imagined words and phrases that would inspire international students, unable to vote in the US, to get involved in politics. We used letterpress, screen printing, and laster cutting to create posters in various languages. See also Linder, Chris, et al, “A Student Should Have the Privilege of Just Being a Student: Student Activism as Labor,” in Review of Higher Education, 2019, pp 37–62.
See more of Freyja’s work:
See more of Tianyi’s work: @tyi.tyi.tyi

Jackie Moreno
GD325 Typography Intensive, MICA
custom typeface and editorial designs about Nicaragua’s political crisis, guided by visiting designer Leslie Xia. “My goal was to express the intensity of a protest in which 320 people were killed. My final layout uses imagery inspired by old propaganda but is made contemporary by layering marker textures and images.”
See more of Jackie’s work: