Design research

The People’s Graphic Design Archive
This crowd-sourced virtual archive includes everything from finished projects to process, photos, letters, oral histories, articles, essays, and other supporting material. I collaborate with Briar Levit, Louise Sandhaus, and Morgan Searcy to build content and programming and expand the visual language.
Our goal is to enable new and expanded stories about a graphic design history—one that represents diverse cultures and a broad range of interests. Visit the site
Read more in The New York Times with other press from LA Times, frizzifrizzi, AIGA Eye on Design, Metropolis.
︎ writing
︎ research
︎ social media
select images are from Black History Month and Women’s History Month campaigns featuring (L–R): Ida B Wells, Lucille Tenazas, Loïs Mailou Jones, Loreta Staples, Nancy Skolos, Ellen Raskin, and Dorothy Waugh.